Wednesday 1 June 2016

One More Month Until FREEDOMMM

One more month. I just have to survive one more month until school's out. You'd think that with only one month of school left, teachers would be reducing the workload. But no. Mine and Anna's teacher has decided that she should continue to pile project on top of project until the very end. I feel so close to finishing...and then we get assigned another project. Groannnnnnnn
So close, yet so far.
I'm taking it in bite-size chunks right now, and just hanging in there. It feels like every time I get closer to finishing, there's something new that sends me flying backwards in a flurry of stress and confusion. One day at a time. If I can make one day at a time, I'll get to the end eventually. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm almost there.
Plus, I have little virtual inspiring cat posters to keep me going.
Yes Mr. Cat, I will hang in there!! Thank you.