Sunday 6 November 2016

Man, its been forever...

So sorry, anyone on the planet who even bothers to give our blog a passing glance since we've neglected it for like 3 months.


We're not dead, kidnapped, silenced, in hiding or anything like that.
But what is there to talk about?
Trump and Clinton are still nipping at each other like rabid chihuahuas.
Not going to delve too much deeper into that. This isn't a boring political blog.
Did you know Nov. 25 is National Parfait Day? I mean, I hate yogurt, which is in parfaits right? so I won't be celebrating that holiday. But it's a good thing to put on your calendar.

Also on  Nov. 25, the new Gilmore Girls thingy comes out!!!! So excited. What has Rory been doing with her life? and Lorelei? The little scamp. What trouble is she diving into?

Well, hopefully you'll hear from us again soon.