Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Langley Interview

If you live in Langley, you've probably seen the large group of people sitting outside of the Yorkson housing development showroom. If you have, you've probably wondered, "What's their deal?'

Well, mes amis, Anna and I decided to grab our notebooks and pens and find out. Here's what we learned from the interview.......

First of all, all the people are waiting for condos. Just condos. Most of them have been waiting since Wednesday, April 28th. The showroom doesn't open until Friday, May 6th. In case you don't you, that's a long time.

Everyone has materials like a lawn chair, sleeping supplies, (ie a sleeping bag) snacks, books, earplugs, magazines, and other things like water bottles and decks of cards. Each person also has a number, which is what number they are in line. If you are buying a condo with your spouse, you have the same number. What happens if someone tries to budge in line? Don't fret! A man named Rob (who works there) has a list of everyone's numbers.

Number 3 in line explained some of the rules to us. Here they are:
1. You're allowed to leave, but you can't leave your spot unattended for more than a few hours, otherwise, they'll give it away.
2. You must have someone there at night, whether it's a spouse or someone you hired.
3. You can't sell your spot to someone else, like one person tried to do for $6000! And
4. You are allowed to hire someone to stay in your spot, which is exactly what one person did. They hired two students that are friends of friends of friends (or something) to come and save their place. They pay the girls $10 an hour EACH. That means the girls each make $240 per day! The girls also say that the people who are paying them haven't showed up once. Those girls have got a pretty good thing going, if you ask me!

There are some people who go home and leave their friends and spouse in line, and others who sleep in sleeping bags or tents. Everyone we asked told us that they actually don't mind waiting in line, and that they're all already like a big family! Everyone we talked to also said that they want a condo on the top floor, and that's why they're waiting in line.

One lady, Number 33, says that she came here all the way from South Dakota! She had her stuff all packed up, and when she got an email at 5:04am saying that people were starting to get in line, she grabbed her things and drove all the way to Langley, which is home to her kids and 8 grandchildren. Her brother was waiting in line for her, and her and her husband apparently want "the biggest suite we can get!" In case you're wondering, it's a mix of people; mostly retired that are downsizing.

When asked what they like to do in their spare time while waiting, everyone said chat. They spend most of their time visiting and talking with their future-neighbours.

Interviewing the people was such a great experience for Anna and I, and we both hope that we can do some more interviews soon!

Here's us getting da scoop!! πŸ˜‰ 🍦 πŸ’• πŸ“
       (Photo creds to my Dad)


  1. Great report. One question. Where is their bathroom?

    1. That's what we were wondering too! Turns out, there are 3 porta pottys just around the corner! πŸ˜πŸ˜†

  2. Wow! About how many people where in ine waiting?

  3. I am one of the lucky individuals waiting in line. My whole family ie brothers, sister,nieces, nephew,sister in law and mother have been taking turns saving the # 12 spot for my mother. We have been in line since last Sunday. By the time the selling starts we will have been here 2 weeks. It's worth it if we can manage to get the condo my mom really wants. This is one case where the sacrafice is worth it if it makes Nana happy!

    1. That's great! Thanks for sharing!! πŸ˜ƒ

  4. That's so nice of you guys!

  5. hey Lauren McKenna, I think there were maybe 60-80 people there...hey Indie what do you think?

  6. Thank you, Ladies! My hubby wouldn't believe me when I told him about the line... now I can show him this! :)
